Contact us by email or post to ask for personal information you think we might hold about you.
Post: GCSB, PO Box 12209, Wellington 6144
We need some information to respond to your request
When making your request, include the following information:
- your full name
- your date of birth and place of birth
- your contact address (email or postal)
- details of your request, such as a specific timeframe (for example, any information we may hold about you for the period from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2015)
- a copy of an identity document
The Privacy Act 2020 requires agencies to be satisfied about the identity of an individual before responding to a request so we do not reveal personal information to the wrong person. The easiest way to do this is for you to include a scanned copy or photograph of your photo identification, such as a driver’s licence, with your request.
We may ask for more details if we need to clarify an aspect of your request.